:: Nil satis, nisi optimum ::


Our Law Firm provides mediation, which constitutes an alternative way of resolving disputes in civil and commercial law cases. The institution of mediation became mandatory with the law 4640/2019 in cases that are subject to the regular procedure of the civil courts and specifically in disputes that are subject to the Multi-Member Court of First Instance and the Single-Member Court of First Instance for disputes over 30,000 Euros. It also applies to certain family disputes, such as in cases involving child custody, alimony, communication, etc. In the above cases, the law obliges the parties to the dispute to participate in a Compulsory Initial Session (CIS), whose purpose is to provide information on the mediation process in order to decide whether they wish to settle their dispute through this procedure or whether they wish a judicial solution. If the parties wish to follow the mediation path, then they enter the process of voluntary mediation.

Except from the disputes that fall, according to the law, under the CIS, the voluntary mediation process can be applied to a wide range of border and cross-border disputes. The mediation introduces important positive elements in the Greek legal system as it provides citizens with the option to resolve their disputes out of court. This in practice means that their disputes can be resolved in a significantly shorter period of time than in the courts (approximately within 2 months) but also that the parties to the mediation will shape the outcome of their dispute as they decide among themselves, through negotiations, on the outcome of their case. It is worth noting that at the end of the mediation process and if an agreement is reached between the parties, a report is drawn up containing the terms of the agreement. This record may be submitted at any time by any of the parties to the Secretariat of the competent court in order for it to become an enforceable title. This practically means that the agreement has the power of a court decision and the parties are obliged to abide by it.

The mediation process takes place before a third party, the mediator, who is accredited by the Ministry of Justice for this role. His role is to be neutral and impartial towards the parties and he is responsible for the process. Throughout the process, the parties to the dispute are required to come with their attorneys, who have the role of advising their clients.

Our Law Firm offers dual services for mediation. First of all, in the staff of our company we have an accredited mediator, who undertakes in our properly designed space for mediation to process CIS but also voluntary mediations that concern all kinds of cases. Furthermore, through our trained lawyers in the mediation process, we provide legal representation for our clients regarding all types of cases before a neutral and impartial third party mediator.